Hate to say I told you so, alright!
would hate (HATE!) to accuse the current administration of fudging the facts for the sake of their personal politics. Really. It would kill me. I might even cry a little.
So, earlier today (NYTimes.com link), Bush's former Surgeon General sat in front of a congressional committee and told them that *gasp! shock! horror!* "top officials in the Bush administration repeatedly tried to weaken or suppress important public health reports because of political considerations."
Say it ain't so, Joe! Just say it ain't so!
Dr. Carmona went on to say that he was not allowed to speak on such topics as stem cells, emergency contraception, sex education, or prison, mental and global health issues. And, he had to "water down" findings on the effects of secondhand smoke. Lest Dubya's cronies get sad.
Carmona told Congress that Bush officials told him they didn't want him reporting on certain topics because "we've already decided which way we want to go."
And - this is brilliant - he was "discouraged him from attending the Special Olympics because, he said, of that charitable organization's longtime ties to the Kennedy family."
Seriously. He couldn't go to the Special Olympics - as the US Surgeon General - b/c the SO could play well with others & Bush couldn't.
And, to make it even better? "'I was specifically told by a senior person, "Why would you want to help those people?"' Dr. Carmona said."
Because, I mean.... They're just retards & people with horrific debilitating diseases. Fuck them, right?
Apparently, the Doc was telling Congress these things because, in 2 days, Congress will be checking out his replacement, Dr. James W. Holsinger, Jr. According to the Times, Dr. Holsinger - back in 1991 - put out a report, the findings of which "concluded that homosexual sex is unnatural and unhealthy." Clearly this is the guy to head the health & welfare of the nation. A guy who thinks homosexual sex is bad & will probably be more than happy to keep pushing the party line that condoms are evil.
Next, Carmon told Congress that he once (and only once) attended a meeting of top officials on the topic of global warming, where it was decided that "global warming was a liberal cause and dismissed." He tried to explain & discuss the science with them, and was never invited back.
And, finally, the good Doc says that sex ed should always be comprehensive if it is to be effective. But, was forced to preach abstinence-only sex ed b/c that was the policy the White House had already decided on & they wouldn't let him say otherwise.
I feel so bad for this guy. I'm sure he's a normal, level-headed guy who got fucked by his circumstances.
Also, I hate the bar. I want to grow balls so the bar exam can crawl right down by my ass & lick 'em. Lick 'em good!
But, love for everyone else!
So, earlier today (NYTimes.com link), Bush's former Surgeon General sat in front of a congressional committee and told them that *gasp! shock! horror!* "top officials in the Bush administration repeatedly tried to weaken or suppress important public health reports because of political considerations."
Say it ain't so, Joe! Just say it ain't so!
Dr. Carmona went on to say that he was not allowed to speak on such topics as stem cells, emergency contraception, sex education, or prison, mental and global health issues. And, he had to "water down" findings on the effects of secondhand smoke. Lest Dubya's cronies get sad.
Carmona told Congress that Bush officials told him they didn't want him reporting on certain topics because "we've already decided which way we want to go."
And - this is brilliant - he was "discouraged him from attending the Special Olympics because, he said, of that charitable organization's longtime ties to the Kennedy family."
Seriously. He couldn't go to the Special Olympics - as the US Surgeon General - b/c the SO could play well with others & Bush couldn't.
And, to make it even better? "'I was specifically told by a senior person, "Why would you want to help those people?"' Dr. Carmona said."
Because, I mean.... They're just retards & people with horrific debilitating diseases. Fuck them, right?
Apparently, the Doc was telling Congress these things because, in 2 days, Congress will be checking out his replacement, Dr. James W. Holsinger, Jr. According to the Times, Dr. Holsinger - back in 1991 - put out a report, the findings of which "concluded that homosexual sex is unnatural and unhealthy." Clearly this is the guy to head the health & welfare of the nation. A guy who thinks homosexual sex is bad & will probably be more than happy to keep pushing the party line that condoms are evil.
Next, Carmon told Congress that he once (and only once) attended a meeting of top officials on the topic of global warming, where it was decided that "global warming was a liberal cause and dismissed." He tried to explain & discuss the science with them, and was never invited back.
And, finally, the good Doc says that sex ed should always be comprehensive if it is to be effective. But, was forced to preach abstinence-only sex ed b/c that was the policy the White House had already decided on & they wouldn't let him say otherwise.
I feel so bad for this guy. I'm sure he's a normal, level-headed guy who got fucked by his circumstances.
Also, I hate the bar. I want to grow balls so the bar exam can crawl right down by my ass & lick 'em. Lick 'em good!
But, love for everyone else!
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