Tuesday, July 10, 2007


Here's somethin' quick to entertain you, in case you need it.

Carrie Underwood & Kevin Eubanks (from The Tonight Show) were just voted the world's sexiest vegetarians. No word if they are bacovegetarians - like me - but, I'm guessing probably not. Other hot veggies include:

Alyssa Milano
Chelsea Clinton
Chrissie Hynde
Grace Slick
Natalie Portman
Rachael Leigh Cook
Shannon Elizabeth
Elle Macpherson
Jackie O
Shalom Harlow
Stella McCartney
Andre 3000
Bob Barker
Eric Stoltz
Joaquin Phoenix
Rob Zombie
Tobey Maguire
Billy Idol
John Cleese
Paul McCartney
Thom Yorke


Murder is still the top cause of death for pregnant women, accounting for just under 20% of all deaths. Charming. Feel free to assume I'm shrieking & pissed right now. I mean, do I ever really need to comment on how fucked up this is? Go ahead & be pissed off for me, because I can't barely even speak.


And, finally, who's my favorite? Ann Coulter is my favorite!!! ....Person to rip on for being a heinous, hateful bitch. So, Bitch was on Hardball tonight. I missed it, but am very excited to watch the replays online. And, here are a couple clips I have heard about.

Coulter was attacking John Edwards. Again. Saying she wouldn't call him a "faggot" anymore, next time she'd just say she "wish he got killed in a terrorist assassination plot," instead. Then, she mocked the fact that his son was killed in a car accident. And, while she's making fun of his dead son, ELIZABETH EDWARDS CALLS IN! And, what does Lizzy, that bastion of awesomeness and class do? She said, "I'm the mother of that boy who died." Then, she told Coulter that she was calling "to ask her to politely stop the personal attacks."

And, from what I hear, Coulter basically threw up all over herself & accused Edwards of trying to stifle her free speech, or right to write books, or some such ridiculous shit.

Ok, apparently, I'm just lazy, because here is the link to watch Coulter look like a complete piece of shit. Sorry, they didn't have an embed option, so you'll have to go to the website & watch it. Shit, even I ALMOST feel uncomfortable & bad for how akward Coulter seems here. But, then she responds to Edwards asking her to stop making personal attacks by saying Edwards should, basically, shut up because she & her husband have made money being plaintiff's lawyers in medical malpractice and accusing Edwards of cutting off her free speech. It's really appaling to watch, how disgusting Coulter is in this clip. Even the people behind her look uncomfortable.

It's really worse than I can describe to you. She's just replusive. REALLY disgusting and vile and worthless as human being.

I don't get how people can say she's trying to be a comedienne. What she says aren't jokes, they're not even clever or intelligent as satire. They're low-blow personal attacks that have nothing to do with anything. To be satire, aren't you supposed to be commenting on something? Making a point about something? Doing more than saying, "John Edwards & Bill Clinton are faggots"?

That's not satire. That's what 7th grade boys do. It is dumb. It is not intelligent. And, it is only funny to other stupid 7th grade boys. Who are stupid & whose humor consists of dick & fart jokes & calling each other "fags."

But, somehow, when Coulter does the same thing, people say, "Oh! No! She's being a brilliant satirist & comedienne! Don't talk shit!" She's not funny. She yells at & mocks a woman who has called in to ask her not to use personal attacks and to please stop making fun of her son, who has died. And, Coulter responds with, "Oh, my god. That was, like, 3 years ago." And, we're supposed to think she's a satirist?

Fuck that. She is a waste of peopel. A waste of space. Really. Honestly. Just a waste. I hope she hates herself every night when she goes to bed.

But, enough of my bitching. Watch the clip and laugh at her clearly being so uncomfortable that she really does almost throw up all over herself.

Which I would TOTALLY pay to see.

I hate that bitch. I will do a happy dance the day I wake up & hear someone shot her in the head.


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