Thursday, March 30, 2006

Holy shit, I just peed a little...

This may be the coolest thing EVER...

"Also, it turns out that mifepristone (RU-486) can do more than help induce medical abortion. Doctors in Scotland have developed a pill containing trace amounts of mifepristone that appears to work as a contraceptive -- and appears to help prevent heart disease, endometriosis and breast cancer. (Yes, it also does windows.) Unlike the standard "the Pill" pill, this drug contains no estrogen or progesterone, which are both associated with breast cancer. But that doesn't just mean it's safer than the old pill; doctors suggest that the new pill -- which works by preventing ovulation -- could actually make a woman's chances of developing cancer lower than if she'd taken no pill at all. According to the Australian Broadcasting Corp.,the new pill also affects the uterine lining, which could mean that women taking it will stop menstruating. This, my gut says, is one of those freaky things you have to be careful about wishing for. But, as one of the new pill's lead researchers, professor Richard Anderson of the University of Edinburgh, pointed out: 'Having regular periods is very much a modern thing. If you go back 100 years or so before the advent of contraception, or widespread use of contraception, women didn't really have very many periods because they went from one pregnancy to breastfeeding and then very rapidly onto the next pregnancy.'

Anderson also suggests -- speaking of wishful thinking -- that perhaps the antiabortion folks will not get all up in the new pill's grill, considering that it contains only a teeny amount of mifepristone. But he also acknowledges that opposition to abortion 'is a major problem with this class of drugs and it's been a handicap to their commercial development.'" (emphasis added -- from Salon)

A pill.
That makes you not have periods.
And LOWERS you chances of getting cancer.

Mama wants one.
Of course, the Right is probably already starting their anti-new pill campaign. Because it's way better to force unintended pregnancies & make women more likely to get cancer.
I so want one.

And, I want to have lots & lots & lots of premarital sex.
And, scream the names of Republicans when I cum.

Somebody fuck me.


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